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GoldScriptCo is officially seeking submissions for their first bound book: a collection of poetry. This publication is geared towards providing a platform for up-and-coming poets. Thus, we will only be accepting submissions from college students.

Publication theme: Identity

Submission Deadline (Extended): Friday, February 25, 2022 at 11:59pm PST.

Submit Via Email:


Read more below for the details!


Must be currently enrolled in a college/university. That's all! :) In case you want more detail... Undergraduate, graduate, and professional students of all ages are all welcomed. "Part-time" and "full-time" student status are both welcomed. We are open to students from any major, program, career goal, etc.


Publication Theme:

This collection of poetry will be centered around the theme of identity.

This could include (but is not limited to) race, gender, sexuality, belief systems, personal values, family roles, self-love, lessons learned, growth, and more!

Please ensure that each poem you submit speaks to this theme -- in whatever way you decide!

Submission Fee:

There are three options. $10 to submit 5 poems; $5 to submit 3 poems. No charge for a submission of 1 poem. GoldScriptCo reserves the right to accept some, all, or none of the poems submitted.

Payment should take place via Zelle or PayPal.

Submission Format:

Microsoft Word only. Single-space, Times New Roman, size 12 font.

Please title your document as follows: SP22 Poetry Collection, First/Last Name.

Please include a Cover Page that includes the following: (a) first and last name, (b) an email address that you check at least weekly, (c) the amount of poems you are submitting and the method in which you wish to pay the submission fee -- please include your Zelle or PayPal information for us to send you a request, and (d) a brief bio (no more than 75 words) that includes the college/university you are currently enrolled in, your major/program, and anything else you'd like us to know.

After the Cover Page, please structure the following pages accordingly: poem's title, your first/last name, then your poem. One poem per page.


Official Submission:

Your submission will be considered official and ready for review once the following is complete: (a) your Microsoft Word document is emailed to, (b) your payment method is received (if submitting more than one poem for review), and (c) if both "a" and "b" take place before the deadline provided.


Submission Deadline (Extended):

Friday, February 25, 2022 at 11:59pm PST.



We will not accept any poems that have been previously published (whether electronically or in print).

We will not accept any poems that are simultaneously in queue or being reviewed for other publication opportunities (whether electronic or print).

GoldScriptCo acquires first-time publication rights to all accepted poetry submissions. After publication, rights return to the poets, who may republish their work (whether electronic or print) with acknowledgement of GoldScriptCo as the original place of publication.


What to Expect:

A submission (whether 1, 3, or 5 poems) does not guarantee acceptance for publication. We will communicate with you mid-March 2022, via email, to inform you whether or not your poem(s) have been accepted for publication. Either way, you'll hear from us!

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide feedback on individual submissions, nor can we provide any revise/resubmit options at this time.

The goal is to have a bound book of poetry published by early May 2022*. Each poet who has work accepted and included in this publication will receive one free copy via snail mail!


*We want to acknowledge that the desired date for publication may be subject to change with the state of our ongoing pandemic world! Regardless, we are a hardworking bunch of writers who want to see your work published as much as you do! We promise to remain transparent and communicative with you, via email, throughout this process and timeline!

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